The re-election of Emmanuel Macron, the challenges awaiting the president and the battle of the legislative elections…

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Monday April 25, 2022.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of the Monday April 25, 2022.

The themes :

– The re-election of Emmanuel Macron: the day after the vote which saw Emmanuel Macron win 58.5% of the vote against Marine Le Pen (41.5%), the President is already facing new challenges: the appointment of a new Prime Minister, the promise to take a new style of governance and hot topics on the table, from pension reform to the war in Ukraine.

– Legislative: Marine Le Pen throws herself into the battle as the RN closes the door to an alliance with Reconquest. Jean-Luc Mélenchon opens, for his part, the door to the PS.

The informed:

– Alexandra Schwartzbrod, deputy editor of Liberation

– Mariam Pirzadeh, journalist, columnist at France 24

– Henri Vernet deputy editor-in-chief of Parisien-Aujourd’hui-en-France

– Bruno Cautrès, CNRS researcher at Cevipof, teacher at Sciences-po

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