the re-elected deputy Yannick Favennec is wrong once again according to a union of doctors

Yannick Favennec, re-elected MP for the 3rd constituency of Mayenne in the first round of legislative elections with 57% of the votes cast, is already thinking about the next parliamentary battles to be waged in the National Assembly. Elected from a territory which suffers from a lack of health professionals, he announced, on France Bleu Mayenne, that he would file very quickly a new bill to regulate the installation of doctors in medical deserts.

In November 2021, the centrist deputy had tabled a bill to this effect. The text offered torequire young doctors to practice for 3 years in an under-resourced areawhich had earned him a lot of criticism.

This new speech did not go unnoticed. Doctor Jérôme Marty, president of the UFML union, the French Union for Free Medicine, believes that coercion is not a solution : “The problem is not that it shocks us, the problem is that it’s impossible. We can’t make people believe that forcing doctors to settle down would be a solution. That’s why Moreover, reasonable politicians reject this type of disastrous project. In the countries where it has been put in place, it has been a failure. In France, it cannot work. Those who have this reading are just 20 or 25 years old. delay. If doctors do not settle, these are the consequences of the policies that have been carried out. We must first look at the causes, work on the causes and find out why things have deteriorated in many territories “ detailed this health professional who became known to the general public during the Covid health crisis.

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