the RCT in the Challenge Cup final


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

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This Friday, May 19, RC Toulon plays the Challenge Cup final against the Scots of Glasgow, the only major cup missing from their list. Live from Dublin, Inès Irigoyen tells us about the more than special challenges of the meeting.

The sporting event of the weekend, the Toulonnais meet the Scots of Glasgow, Friday May 19, for the final of the Challenge Cup, the small European cup. RC Toulon is finally dreaming of securing the last major title missing from its list. “The Toulonnais are used, whether in the French championship or in the big European cup, to win titles, but this Challenge Cup they have never won one, despite four finals”notes Inès Irigoyen, sports journalist live from Dublin (Ireland) for 19/20.

A big team against Toulon

In 2022, the RCT players lost in the final against the Lyonnais and will therefore redouble their efforts to lift the cup this year. “Glasgow are a bit of a special team, of the 23 players on tonight’s scoresheet, 13 have already been called up to take part in the Rugby World Cup”, continues the journalist. A great show awaits rugby fans this Friday and we all hope to finally see Toulon win.

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