The RCMP observes radicalization of youth online

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) says it is observing “a worrying trend toward violent extremism and the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes, particularly among young people.”

At least one Jewish group is warning its members to exercise caution following the arrest of two teenagers for terrorism-related offenses in the past five days.

The RCMP also reports having arrested five youths for terrorism-related offenses since June.

The police force asks parents and anyone in a position of authority to remain vigilant for any signs of radicalization, including increasingly exclusive association with new social groups that support or promote violence.

Jewish and Muslim leaders across Canada have reported an increase in hate-motivated attacks since the terrorist attacks launched by Hamas against Israel on October 7 and Israel’s massive military response in Gaza.

Police have made arrests in connection with several hate-motivated incidents, including assaults and the promotion of hatred online.

The RCMP’s warning on Saturday specifically addresses the radicalization of young people, often online.

The most recent case involved a “young person” from Ottawa arrested Friday and charged in connection with a plot against the Jewish community. Because of the youth’s age, police have not released much information about the accused, including who or what he was targeting, beyond “Jewish people.”

The teenager appeared briefly in court on Saturday and remains in custody. Another court appearance is scheduled for Monday morning. The youth is charged with facilitating terrorist activity by communicating instructions regarding an explosive substance and knowingly instructing another to carry out terrorist activity.

It is unknown if any other individuals are being investigated in connection with this case.

Caution is always required

The Ottawa Jewish Federation said in an email to community members Sunday that police have confirmed there is no risk to the community as the teen is now in custody.

Ottawa police have increased patrols of Jewish institutions, including synagogues, community centers and schools. But the Jewish Federation said police continue to encourage the community to be vigilant.

The Jewish Federation of Ottawa is asking its members to exercise renewed caution, follow security protocols and report any suspicious behavior to the police.

Gerry Almendrades, director of community safety for the Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs, said incidents like the new charges filed Saturday in Ottawa are the “high point” of tolerance of anti-Semitism in Canada.

He said he was reassured to know that Canadian security and intelligence agencies detected the threat and responded quickly.

The RCMP said the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and the Integrated Terrorism Assessment Centre, as well as provincial and municipal police, provided “indispensable collaboration” in this matter.

Two days before the Ottawa youth’s arrest, the RCMP’s Integrated National Security Team arrested a 16-year-old youth in Calgary as part of an ongoing terrorism-related investigation.

He was arrested and released pending a hearing, on a terrorism peace bond, under a provision of the Criminal Code allowing the Crown to impose conditions similar to the conditions of bail for a person who the Crown has reasonable grounds to fear will commit a terrorism offence.

The teenager is the fourth person and the third teenager arrested as part of this investigation.

The Canadian Press asked the RCMP for information on the fifth young person arrested for terrorist activities, but the police did not immediately respond.

The federal Liberals have been promising new legislation to combat the rise of online hate for several years, but progress has been delayed, in part because of the complexities between combatting hate and free speech.

Chantalle Aubertin, spokesperson for Justice Minister Arif Virani, declined to comment on specific cases that are before the courts, but maintained that Minister Virani is still working with his colleagues from Canadian Heritage, Pascale St-Onge, and Public Security, Dominic LeBlanc, to present legislation aimed at protecting young people from the dangers of online hatred.

“Against a backdrop of geopolitical conflict, we are seeing worrying trends in which online radicalization, including hate speech, manifests itself physically. This is unacceptable. We must put an end to the rise of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia,” said Aubertin in an email.

“But we have to take the time to do it right. The stakes are too high,” she added.

The important role of social media

Social media played a leading role in the Calgary cases. At a peace bond hearing for a 17-year-old arrested in June, court heard the teen used TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat to post videos, one of which of himself saying to “kill all [les homosexuels] » during an LGBTQ+ demonstration and another featuring an exploded synagogue.

Zakarya Hussein, 20, who pleaded guilty earlier this month to a terrorism charge, admitted in court that he shared recruitment videos for the Islamic State group on TikTok and shared on Snapchat that his mission would begin during Pride month.

Hussein awaits sentencing.

Ottawa Jewish Community School principal Jon Mitzmacher received only a few questions from concerned parents after Saturday’s announcement of the Ottawa youth’s arrest.

“I expected a lot more emails from parents,” he said. I don’t know if people have become numb at this point. »

He said there has been increased anxiety in his school community since the Oct. 7 attacks and security protocols have been increased, and he stressed that his school and students are safe.

The school received a bomb threat in October, but it was later found not to pose a real threat, Mr. Mitzmacher said.

According to him, one of the most painful results of these incidents is the Jewish community’s feeling of being alone. He said the most sincere thing anyone can do to help is to reach out and show support however you can.

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