the rate of injections constantly increasing at the Paris vaccination center


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Opened in July, the vaccinodrome in the 13th arrondissement of Paris can now vaccinate more than 1,000 people per week and should further increase the number of injections.

While Île-de-France is the region most affected by monkeypox, with 895 cases recorded by Public Health France on August 11, 2022, it remains difficult to find a niche to be vaccinated. Nicolas, candidate for vaccination, confirms this: “I had already looked at availability, but there was nothing for several months.”

This is why the Paris City Hall opened a dedicated center on July 26, 2022 in the 13th arrondissement. About twenty caregivers work there and the candidates for vaccination flock. Open this center in the middle of summer, “It was a challenge, confides Anne Souyris, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of Health. In a few weeks, we went from 1,000 to 3,000 vaccinations in this center and I hope that we will continue in this direction.“Medical students were called in for reinforcement in August and the center is expected to increase its staff further in September.

The deputy director general of the ARS of Île-de-France explains that the Paris region is the most affected and that it is also there that the needs are concentrated. “80,000 to 130,000 people are considered a priority there” for vaccination: homosexuals with multiple partners, sex workers and caregivers in direct contact with patients.

But associations for the defense of LGBT rights are worried. For the moment, only 30,000 people have been vaccinated nationally. If the rhythm remains the same, it would be necessary to wait until the end of the year for all the priority people to have received a first injection.

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