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after fourteen days fighting, here is a situation that could well put the Russian army in difficulty, Wednesday, March 9. The rasputitsa, a climatic phenomenon marking the end of winter in Ukraine, is greatly feared. Live from Lviv, journalist Anne-Claire Poignard details the consequences.
“The rasputitsa, [c’est] literally the time of bad roads when the thaw combined with the spring rains cause weeks and weeks of slush”, explains journalist Anne-Claire Poignard, in duplex from Lviv (Ukraine), Wednesday March 9. This climatic phenomenon is the “black beast“military vehicles.”Images of Russian tanks stuck in the mud are also beginning to circulate.reports the journalist.
This is not the first time that soldiers have faced this situation. Famous precedents have taken place in history. “Napoleon’s troops had made it the mother experience in Russia in 1812“, says Anne-Claire Poignard. The weather to come could therefore hamper Vladimir Putin in his progress on Ukrainian territory. The winter was relatively mild in Ukraine, leaving the ground less frozen. With the positive temperatures to come and it starts to rain,”the ground will quickly become tricky“, she concludes.