the rapper “validates” a homophobic law, a famous TF1 host explodes and attacks him on Twitter!

A law that speaks. A few days ago the law Don’t Say Gay which prohibits “Discuss in class topics related to sexual orientation or gender identity” in elementary school, in Florida in the United States was adopted. A choice that has sparked debate for several days, especially among the most famous personalities. Chloé Jouannet, the daughter of Alexandra Lamy, for example, was quick to react on her Instagram account by calling this law “monstrous”.

On March 30, it was Booba, the famous rapper, who gave a slightly different opinion. Luna and Omar’s dad did not say he agreed with this law but regretted the fact that it was “considered homophobic”. “Everyone is free about their sexuality. It’s just about letting our poor children empower themselves and not indoctrinate them. If they have questions about sexuality there’s something called ‘ their parents’ for that!!! ‘Deemed homophobic’ it’s really shameful”, he said on his social networks.

An animator disagrees

A reaction that seems to have shocked Christophe Beaugrand. The famous TF1 host in turn took over his Twitter account to attack Booba. When I read a very popular rapper who is therefore very influential on young people making homophobic remarks (even if he doesn’t realize it), I tell myself that the educational work to make our problems understood is still immense!”he regretted.

The host then continued his text by assuring that it was important that LGBT subjects be addressed in the school environment. “YES! Of course education is essential! It is also the role of the school to teach our children to be better in their own skin. and to become citizens respectful of all differences”, he continued before concluding: “Let’s not forget that a bad experience of homosexuality is the number one cause of suicide among adolescents. And that the first cause of bullying at school is precisely homosexuality. So yes, we must act in the school. Because homophobia KILLS”. B2O has not yet reacted to Christophe Beaugrand’s reaction, but it won’t be long.

See also: Saïd Taghmaoui clashes Booba


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