There is a rapper to follow this year, it’s a difficult case to define, as sweet as his stage name is not, his name is Tuerie.
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“Tuerie” is a stage name inherited from his young years as a rapper, more than a decade ago, when he provoked the admiration of the crowd: “This guy is killer”.
The boy is apart in a particular world, that of rap in France, which tolerates few deviations. With Monarch Butterflyhis second album released last year, he imposed his flow and his voice, as well as his way of seeing: “I have always managed with the primary means, that is to say the voice. I want the voices to be put in the spotlight. And the more I evolve in my career, the more we will have the right to more voices. At its peak, I wish I had a gospel choir.”
An unconventional style with “luminous” music
His references lie in hip-hop but well beyond that, he is particularly a fan of Queen and this can be heard in Sad boy/Federicowhere the opening choruses are a tribute to Bohemian Rapsody. Last year, its originality was praised by the very selective Prix Joséphine, which preferred it to all the favorites, and since then, its popularity has exploded. But he still walks forward as serenely: “There can be a bit of a haughty side when you say you feel special, but I think I have a way of making music that is unconventional.”
This unexpected style was not easy for the young rapper to establish in his early days. He smiles simply: “I am so proud of my difference, because I fought. I come from one of the hotbeds of rap which is Boulogne-Billancourt, where rapping is very hard ! So I cut my teeth with that rap, but I very quickly became the little UFO in town, because my music was a little more… luminous. And that was annoying, until we realized that I was too stubborn to do anything else.”
His next step is to tour and live, as master of ceremonies, Tuerie knows how to do it as well as on record.