the rapper accused of domestic violence, the heavy accusations of his companion

He wished his fans a “Happy New Year” in his own way … But probably not in the best possible way. Indeed, on Saturday January 1, at midnight one, billions of people grabbed their phones to film the transition to the New Year and wish their followers and friends their best wishes. If some have captured images of fireworks, parties with friends, or dinner at a restaurant, Heuss L’Enfoiré, for his part, filmed the posterior of his companion … Purepeople indicating that he had swung the video, showing the buttocks of his girlfriend, on Snapchat by commenting the excerpt with a “Happy New Year la zona seis”.

A video that would obviously not have pleased the main concerned and who would not have hesitated to let it know by having a violent altercation with him. According to our colleagues from Point, the rapper allegedly struck and slapped him during the argument. A few minutes after the fight, the companion of Heuss L’Enfoiré would then have filmed their apartment to prove her identity and make astonishing revelations. In particular on the fact that the artist would consume cocaine and would take levetiracetam (a drug against epilepsy and bipolar disorder) to perform in public as noted by our colleagues from Purepeople.

The young woman of 26, would have called Police Rescue to inform the police of the domestic violence of which she was the victim, that she would have been wounded in the face with shisha charcoal and the fact that her companion broadcast a video of her buttocks without her consent. According to Point, the one who lives with the rapper in an apartment in the 17th arrondissement of Paris had still not filed a complaint at the start of his custody and had still not been examined by a doctor from the forensic units.

See also: Rapper Moha La Squale accused of “rape”, “violence” and “kidnapping”


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