The Ramirez case at ASSE, the elimination of the women in the Coupe de France and the great season in N3F of the SCBVG

Ramirez, failure

Juan Ignacio Ramirez arrived from Uruguay with a lot of promise. Hopes fallen with only six appearances including only one as a holder.

What are the reasons for failure? We debate it in 100% Greens

The debacle of the Coupe de France for the Greens

Humiliated 7-2 by efficient Montpelliéraines, the Vertes have already finished their journey in the Coupe de France. A lot of turnover, a defensive weakness can explain this big underperformance. We talk about it in 100% Greens.

Basketball in Saint-Chamond: what a season!

While the men of the professional team playing pro B are a hit, their female counterparts are doing perfectly in the National 3 championship. Indeed, the Couramiaudes are first in their group B. And this leader status is indisputable: twelve matches in twelve victories

Before their trip to Nîmes this Sunday at 3:30 p.m., we take stock of this nice start to the season with Elise Sandré and Thibaud Tissier.

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