the radical solution of her husband Ryan Reynolds who does not want more children

Approaching Father’s day, which will take place on June 18, Ryan Reynolds released a commercial for his brand of gin “Aviation Gin” calibrated for the occasion. In this one, we see Nick Cannon preparing a cocktail based on the famous gin. “The Mother of Cocktails”soberly titled “Vasectomy”. Once ready, Ryan Reynolds grabs the cocktail that Nick Cannon has just prepared. “I’ll take care of it, Nick. I have three children”he says.

And while Nick Cannon shared this commercial on his Instagram account, Blake Lively’s husband commented on his post with a “it will be a double for me”. Decided not to have any more children? With the star of “Gossip Girl”, the actor is already the father of three children, James, Betty, Ines and does not seem to want to expand the family.

Revelation on his personal life or simple marketing stunt, the 45-year-old actor in any case allows to highlight the vasectomy which, as he says in the caption of his post, “is not 100% effective”. However, vasectomy remains a means of contraception that frankly reverses the mental burden that has long weighed on women’s shoulders in terms of contraception.

And in any case, this is not the first time that Ryan Reynolds has spoken out about vasectomy…”No matter what children’s book I read to my screaming baby on a plane, the moral of the story always has to do with a vasectomy.”, he wrote in 2016 on Twitter. Letting think that in 2022, he took action!

Laura Bertrand

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