the race for housing before the start of the school year


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

Some students are still struggling to find accommodation for the start of the school year. This is particularly the case in Laon, in the Aisne. This medieval city offers few university courses, but the demand is high. Real estate agents chain visits.

It is a sometimes complicated quest: that of student accommodation to be found before the start of the school year. A young woman and her family arrive from Gironde, they begin their second visit of the day, in search of the rare pearl. “We are pressed for time, a little bit. Studies start soon, and knowing that we can finish the summer having an apartment where we know we will be well, it is also a relief.“, says the future student.

1,400 students must find accommodation in Laon

Relief also for Zoé, who has just found her apartment, even if it does not meet all her criteria. “It’s the favorite of all the apartments we see, just it’s not furnished, it’s a bit of a negative point, but you will have to make compromises to find it”, she says. Compromises on budgets for parents too, faced with the urgency of renting. “I prefer to bring something to furnish, but let the environment be good“, declares a mother. Rare and prized goods. AT Laon (Aisne), nearly 1,400 students must find accommodation.

source site-19