the race against the clock for the rescuers


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

Article written by

D. Schlienger, @RevelateursFTV, A. Boulet – France 3

France Televisions

The 19/20 of Monday February 6 looks back on the very last images of the terrible earthquake which killed at least 2,600 people in Turkey and Syria. The rescuers embarked on a race against the clock.

Amidst the horror of disaster, sometimes a miracle happens. A Syrian child, who had been under the rubble for several hours, his gaze lost, was found safe and sound. He is one survivor among thousands of dead and injured in one of the most severe 7.8 magnitude earthquakes on record. The epicenter is in Turkey. The earthquake occurred at a time when residents are most vulnerable: sleeping.

Teams arrive from several countries

“Where are they ?“, asks a victim looking for his relatives. All have barely time to recover that in the morning, a new earthquake caused the collapse of other buildings. “Oh my God, there are people inside! Everyone get out of there!”, shouts a man in front of the crumbling building. Each time, the tremors cause already weakened buildings to collapse, sometimes on the emergency services in full operation. Turkey and Syria are calling for urgent international aid. Teams are arriving from several countries.

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