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In the section “We answer you”, the journalist Julien Nény, present on the set of 13 Hours Wednesday, April 20, answers questions from the youngest on the debate between the two rounds of the presidential election.
The 13 Hours answers the questions of the youngest on the debate between the two rounds, which will be held on the evening of Wednesday April 20. Romain, 11, wonders if the 2022 presidential candidates have the right to speak to each other before the debate. “The candidates have the right to see each other, to talk to each other, but now, in fact, do they really do it? It depends on the context and the personality of the two finalists. For example, the last time in 2017, according to several witnesses on the spot at the time, it had been icy behind the scenes between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen”explains the journalist Julien Nény, present on the set of 13 Hours.
Félix, 12, wants to know if the candidates know the journalists’ questions in advance, and if they have a headset. “They don’t have the questions in advance. They don’t have a headset either, it would be cheating, to chat with their loved ones behind the scenes. On the other hand, they can of course come on set with records or folders”concludes Julien Nény.