the question of parental authority, a sea serpent?


Video length: 1 min.


With the riots that have occurred in France in recent weeks, and in particular committed by minors, the question of parental responsibility has returned to the table. Some want to punish them. A debate that has reappeared regularly for several decades.

The idea of ​​depriving parents of rioting children of family allowances has been debated in France for many years. In 1993, after violent demonstrations, Simone Veil, then Minister of Health and Business social, opposed it, citing measures “more or less arbitrary“. A new law supported by Nicolas Sarkozy had been adopted in Parliament in 2010. The text made it possible to suspend family allowances in the event of school absenteeism.

A PS deputy advocates the creation of a “school for parents”

François Hollande repealed it three years later. After the riots that have occurred in recent weeks in France, Éric Ciotti, president of the Republicans, is one of those who have called for the return of this measure. Philippe Brun, PS deputy for Eure, proposes the creation of a “parent school […]that we set up internships to support parenthood for parents who are failing“.

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