A statement “extremely rare, a shocking sentence, a message clearly addressed to the Russians”, comments geopolitics specialist Peer De Jong.
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Sending Western ground troops to Ukraine must not “be excluded” in the future, Emmanuel Macron said Monday evening. “An extremely precise and extremely rare declaration, Europe has never committed itself, at least verbally, in this way”observes Tuesday February 27 on franceinfo, Peer De Jong, vice-president of the Themiis institute, specialist in geopolitics and former colonel of the marine troops. “A shocking sentence.”
“It’s an extremely strong commitment” And “clearly addressed to the Russians”, continues the military specialist. This question of sending ground troops “is one of the options”, according to him. If the head of state affirmed that‘”there was no consensus” on the subject of sending military troops to Ukraine, the French president “kept reaffirming a form of firmness in relation to the Russian offensive”underlines Peer De Jong.
“Today, there is no planning at all for sending ground troops to Ukraine, especially since the 27 countries agree”, specified the vice-president of the Themiis institute. Emmanuel Macron is trying to position himself at the forefront of support for kyiv. “We see that France is taking the lead in this kind of construction game, in any case a Europe of defense,” supports the specialist. “President Macron obviously wants to appear as a kind of organizer,” he concludes.