“The question is not the personality, but the content”, assures Fabien Roussel

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9:21 p.m. : Fabien Roussel, PCF presidential candidate, is he pro-Xi Jinping? The PCF candidate for the presidential election, guest of the “8:22 p.m.” of the France 2 newscast, granted an interview in June 2021 to CGTN France, the French channel of Chinese state television. The Eye of 8:22 pm returns to his words “pro-CCP” which lack nuance.

9:05 p.m. : Fabien Roussel was the guest this evening of 8:22 pm on France 2. “The question is not the personality but the content”, he replied about a possible union of the left. If you missed it, here’s the video:

8:45 p.m. : “The Republic is in danger, the democratic situation is serious in our country. Political leaders make statements which attack fellow citizens according to their skin color.”

Asked about the risk for Eric Zemmour of not having his 500 sponsorship signatures, Fabien Roussel prefers to alert on the positions taken by the far-right candidate.

8:55 p.m. : “The problem today is not talking about green capitalism, but the problem is capitalism. We will not be able to solve the climate problem if we do not tackle capitalism.”

8:37 p.m. : “We preferred to speak of ‘universal work’, of securing employment for everyone”

Fabien Roussel marks his difference with some of the left-wing candidates, by rejecting the idea of ​​a universal income.

8:35 p.m. : “We must guarantee everyone a real job and a real salary (…) We will not rebuild France with unemployed young people.”

8:34 p.m. : “I am for a dialogue, but at the same time to respect the economic sovereignty of France.”

Asked about human rights in China, Fabien Roussel calls for “respect human rights”, but denounces the hypocrisy of the current power on these questions.

8:31 p.m. : “We have differences in personality, but also in program.”

Asked about a possible alliance with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the PCF candidate prefers to insist on his differences in program, in particular on nuclear and security.

8:26 p.m. : “It’s not a question of personality, but of program.”

Asked about a possible candidacy of Christiane Taubira, Fabien Roussel kicks in touch.

8:28 p.m. : “It’s not very fair (…) two hours on the air like that! I am going to ask TF1 that all the candidates can benefit from two hours on the air.”

Fabien Roussel reacts to the controversy over the interview with the Head of State on TF1 and LCI, which will be broadcast tomorrow.

8:23 p.m. : Fabien Roussel, communist presidential candidate, is the guest of 8:22 pm in France 2. He will answer questions from Anne-Sophie Lapix, starting with the refusal of the PCF candidate to the proposal formulated by that of the PS Anne Hidalgo to participate in a primary of the left to nominate a single presidential candidate.

6.30 p.m. : The opposition is angry with the interview of the Head of State on TF1 and LCI, which will be broadcast tomorrow, believing that he is taking advantage of this exposure to defend his probable candidacy. Valérie Pécresse asked the CSA to “restore equality of speaking time”. We explain how Emmanuel Macron’s speaking time is counted by the CSA.

4:33 p.m. : New guest at “8:22 p.m.” tonight on France 2. Fabien Roussel, who will run for the first time since 2007 a PCF candidate for the presidential election, will answer questions from Anne-Sophie Lapix. The opportunity, undoubtedly, to return to the refusal of the candidate of the Communist Party to participate in a primary of the left to designate a single candidate for the presidential election. You can follow the interview here.

15:55 : Hello @Flake. You are right: accusing the outgoing president of campaigning without saying it is rather classic in this period of official pre-campaign. However, it is incorrect to say that no limit has been set on this subject by the CSA: in 2012, the regulatory body had for example judged that part of a speech given by Nicolas Sarkozy in Toulon, before his declaration of candidacy, came under the “national debate” specific to the candidate, the rest falling under the “regal” devolved to the president. Part of the speech had thus been deducted from the speaking time of the majority at the time.

15:55 : Hello franceinfo, can we go into politics with arguments such as “it was not me who started”? Can you remind us if the opposition had also criticized the semi-candidacy of the previous presidents-candidates? This debate is not new but we rediscover it at the end of each quinquennium without ever defining the limits of the presidency. Tomorrow if I am president and I present myself as a candidate, nothing prevents me from doing interviews at the same time as a meeting or interviewing other candidates, is it really fair?

3:42 p.m. : How should Emmanuel Macron’s speaking time be counted before his declaration of candidacy? Questioned on this subject by the Republican deputy Philippe Gosselin, Gabriel Attal, like Eric Dupond-Moretti before him, recalled that the right was in the same situation ten years ago.

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