No need to sport a helium-blasted chest, savagely bitch his comrades, sink into vulgarity or sabotage the pumps of his mirror neighbor to win a prestigious drag queen contest.
Posted at 7:15 a.m.
These pictures, which date from another era, have a hard skin, alas! But Montrealer Gisèle Lullaby pulverized them on Thursday night, winning the third season of reality TV with kindness and talent. Canada’s Drag Race from the Crave platform, a creation of the Queen Mother herself, RuPaul.

Gisèle Lullaby, winner of Canada’s Drag Race
During the nine episodes of this competition heated by Brooke Lynn Hytes, Gisèle Lullaby, the first Quebecer to win this title in three years, always came to the aid of her colleagues who were struggling with the sewing machine. And even if this help weakened her chances of walking away with the $100,000 prize pool, Gisèle Lullaby offered her designer services without counting, always dapper, never contemptuous.
“There’s a difference between being mean and being funny. When you make a comment, it must be constructive. My mother always told me to treat others as I would like them to treat me. I’m like that, I’ve always helped. That’s what I do at the Cabaret à Mado. Fixing others is not a problem. But if I help the world, it’s because I’m ready, “explains Simon Gosselin, the 34-year-old man behind the flamboyant dresses of Gisèle Lullaby, a stage name created in homage to top model Gisele. Bündchen and a dragonfly.
“Yes, at the time, I really believed that dragonfly in English was lullaby laughs Simon Gosselin. Dragonfly is the word he was looking for.
Simon Gosselin and 11 other drag queens were locked up in Toronto for six weeks in the spring while they recorded the shows of Canada’s Drag Race in the greatest secrecy. A second Quebec candidate, Lady Boom Boom, from Quebec, competed in the catwalk events. She finished eighth and deserved a better fate, in my opinion. His elimination was much too hasty.
What struck Simon Gosselin/Gisèle Lullaby at Canada’s Drag Race ? English Canada’s complete lack of interest in Quebec culture. “Other than Celine Dion, they have no idea what’s going on here. I found that really sad. Not only do they not know our singers, but they don’t feel like learning more,” observes Simon Gosselin in an interview.
For example, Gisèle Lullaby spoke of Maurice Richard and Michèle Richard in a sketch, and the gag was potato, only the Quebecer Lady Boom Boom having captured the reference. Also, Lady Boom Boom thought of encamping Julie Snyder in the popular game of imitations – the snatch game, in English – but no one had any idea who it was. Again here, sounds of crickets.
Even Marie-Mai, who nevertheless broke through in English-speaking reality TV The Launch of the CTV network, did not pass the test. Marie-Mai, before COVID-19 upset her professional plans, was to appear as a guest judge at Canada’s Drag Race 3. The production then asked the competitors to prepare a lipsync on his song heartattack. Discloser: none of Gisèle Lullaby’s colleagues had heard of Marie-Mai. Mary who ? May what ?
Well. Our good English Canada, always quick to hit on Quebec for its “lack of openness”, takes no interest in what is culturally bubbling in our Belle Province. Honestly, it’s embarrassing, but hardly surprising. End of political commentary.
Originally from Boucherville, on the South Shore, Simon Gosselin has known Jean-François Guevremont, alias Rita Baga, since childhood. It is moreover as a dancer of Rita Baga, finalist of the first chapter of Canada’s Drag Racethat Simon Gosselin began his career in this nocturnal environment.
How he studied fashion design, practiced ballet, helped his mother understand the Avon beauty products she sold door-to-door, improvised, that he worked as a professional make-up artist, Simon Gosselin had all the skills to become one of these queens of the night. He cites Jinkx Monsoon, Sasha Velor and Raja as his role models on the American side. Three super original drag queens, who present shattered, unconventional looks, and who sing, dance and, above all, get laughs.
In the first episodes of Canada’s Drag Race, Miss Fiercalicious, 25, tried to play the villain – a classic – by creating unnecessary conflict in the workshop. The maneuver exploded in her face (well made up, let’s say it) and it was when Miss Fiercalicious showed her vulnerability that viewers adopted her.
This petty and boring side of Miss Fiercalicious irritated Gisèle Lullaby who, in the third episode, called her Toronto colleague a “bully”. It’s the only time this season that Gisèle has seen red.
“I am fine. I value friendship, humility and frankness. I don’t need to live in a world of divas”, observes Simon Gosselin, who finally gave up his job as a clerk at Linen Chest to live fully from his art.
Can I get an “amen” here? Now start the music!