the quality of mineral waters “not guaranteed”


Video length: 2 min

Nestlé: the quality of mineral waters “not guaranteed”

A new survey highlights the quality of several major brands of mineral water from the Nestlé group. There would be doubts about sanitary purity.

(France 2)

A new survey highlights the quality of several major brands of mineral water from the Nestlé group. There would be doubts about sanitary purity.

Natural water guaranteed to be 100% healthy is promised, from a mineral source without contamination. However, the water contained in the bottles of brands such as Contrex, Hépar, Vittel and Perrier, marketed by the Nestlé group, was contaminated. An expertise, carried out by regional health agencies, carried out in factories in the Grand-Est and in Occitanie, shows traces of bacteria, contaminants and pesticides.

Strengthen surveillance

In a press release, Nestlé reaffirms that the quality and food safety of its natural mineral waters have “always been guaranteed”and remain its “absolute priority”. The consumer defense association Food Watch, which has already filed a complaint against the manufacturer, is calling for drastic measures. According to ANSES, the water quality is insufficient, and therefore requires reinforced monitoring.

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