the qualifying match for the Euro Espoirs between Ukraine and France officially postponed

Scheduled for March 29, the Espoirs match between Ukraine and France is heading “towards a postponement to the dates of June”.

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The French Football Federation announced on Monday March 7 the postponement of the match of the France Espoirs team in Ukraine for the qualifications of Euro 2023, initially scheduled for March 29 in Lviv due to the war.

On its website, European football’s governing body states “game postponed“for the two meetings of the Ukrainian Hopes which were scheduled during the next international window, in Armenia on March 24 and against France on March 29.

UEFA had initially decided to maintain these matches, on neutral ground. But the Ukrainian hopefuls, the vast majority of whom play in local clubs, are unable to train due to the armed conflict launched by Russia on February 24.

The French Federation”expects return from UEFA in early April” regarding the fate of the Ukraine-France match, but “we are heading towards a postponement on the dates of June“, we say to the FFF.

Les Bleuets will therefore play only one official match, on March 24 in Calais against the Faroe Islands, before continuing their qualifying campaign on June 3 and 7, against Serbia in Sedan and in Armenia. Four days from the end of qualifying, the team led by Sylvain Ripoll is at the top of Group H with a three-point lead over Ukraine.

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