The qualification of Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen in the second round, the lessons of the ballot … The informed of franceinfo of Sunday April 10, 2022

Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed debate the results of the first round of the presidential election, Sunday April 10, 2022.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Olivier de Lagarde, the informed debate the results of the first round of the presidential election, Sunday April 10, 2022.

The themes :

– Presidential: the results of the first round, the lessons to be learned from the ballot, the issues of the second round.

The informed:

– Brice DyerDeputy Chief Executive Officer of the Ipsos polling institute.

– Eric PiolleEELV mayor of Grenoble, support of Yannick Jadot.

– Julien Odoulspokesperson for the RN, support for Marine Le Pen.

– Jean-Jérôme Bertolushead of the political department of franceinfo.

– Gaspard Gantzerpresident of Gantzer agency.

– Laetitia Krupapolitical journalist.

– Renaud Delypolitical columnist at franceinfo.

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