the public service adapts to the new rules



France 2

Article written by

J. Cholin, S. Agrabi, P.-M. from La Foata – France 3

France Televisions

In his announcements of Monday, December 6, Prime Minister Jean Castex urged companies to impose two to three days of teleworking per week. The state also wants to set an example in the public service. Report in Vitry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne).

In Vitry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne), the town hall will not escape the rule of teleworking. A measure that requires a real reorganization. “Being on site and close to users is much better“, reports an employee. In a city like Vitry, there are between 15 and 20% of which the nature of the trades can be almost entirely telework, it remains a minority “, details Fernando de Sousa, director general of the administration of the town hall.

To comply with this rule, several avenues, such as reducing reception hours in town hall. A decision that divides users. “I think it’s better. Everything is done on the web, even civil status “, says a young woman. But the procedures are more complex for the elderly, less used to electronic tools, nuance another lady. At the HLM office, where agents are very often in contact with tenants, it is also difficult to switch to telework. “There are problems with the language, with the understanding of the digital tool “, underlines Charlotte Ougier, director of the service.


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