“The public authorities absolutely did not anticipate this health disaster”, denounces the EELV mayor of Bordeaux Pierre Hurmic

The mayor of Bordeaux believes that “the alarm bell has been ringing for years” and that nothing has been anticipated to deal with this “health disaster”.

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The public authorities absolutely did not anticipate this health disaster“, denounces Friday, May 19 on franceinfo Pierre Hurmic, EELV mayor of Bordeaux. Since Wednesday, the adult emergencies of the Pellegrin hospital in Bordeaux have passed “in degraded mode“because of a lack of staff. From now on, they will only welcome patients at night who have been previously directed to the Samu.

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A situation that does not only concern the Bordeaux University Hospital, would like to remind Pierre Hurmic. “It is not only the emergency system which at the national level is increasingly failing, but it is even our healthcare system which is in crisis.“. The chosen one says he had exchanges with professionals, in particular emergency doctors, who were very upset “because they have been alerting the government for years to these entirely foreseeable difficulties, these shortcomings in our healthcare system“.

The mayor of Bordeaux believes “that the system is faulty“particularly because”we have not trained enough emergency physicians in recent years“. Pierre Hurmic takes the example of Bordeaux University Hospital. “Access to adult emergencies has seen its attendance increase by 50% in two years, with constant human resources. There are 20 emergency doctors, it would take almost double“.

“The doorbell was rung years ago”

Pierre Hurmic, Mayor of Bordeaux

at franceinfo

In 2020, the government launched the Ségur de la santé to try to provide a response to the hospital crisis. “But according to the echoes I have, the mountain gave birth to a mouse. And it was absolutely not up to par. The proof with current recruitment problems and resignations“, denounces Pierre Hurmic.

The chosen one calls “to hear from physicians and paramedics who are overdue, who are discouraged, who are understaffed, who are underpaid“.

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