In her complaint, the victim denounces facts dating from 2001, when she was 17 years old and a final year student.
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A 39-year-old woman filed a complaint for rape on Tuesday February 20, targeting psychoanalyst Gérard Miller, franceinfo learned on Wednesday from her lawyer, Marie-Paule Pioli, confirming information from the newspaper The Parisian.
In this complaint against She claims to have been “forced to perform masturbation and fellatio on Gérard Miller”, at the latter’s home. In her complaint, the lawyer suggests that the complainant could have been drugged.
The victim, now a psychologist, says she contacted the famous psychoanalyst with a friend because she “intended for studies of psychology and psychoanalysis”. After two interviews, she was invited alone to Gérard Miller’s home, after brunch. This is where the events took place according to her.
At the start of the week, the Paris prosecutor’s office acknowledged receipt of another complaint. At the end of January, the magazine She published an investigation in which several women testify to sexual violence on the part of Gérard Miller.