the PS reaffirms its support for Anne Hidalgo, after the victory of Christiane Taubira in the Popular Primary

Christiane Taubira was acclaimed by the voters of the Popular Primary, far ahead of the mayor of Paris who finished in fifth place.

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“The Socialist Party and candidate Anne Hidalgo are the same thing”, said its First Secretary, Olivier Faure, Monday, January 31 noon, according to Pierre Jouvet, the spokesperson for the formation. Olivier Faure “recalled it in the introduction and in the conclusion” of a meeting of the management of the PS, he added on Twitter.

>> Presidential 2022: Anne Hidalgo weakened by the victory of Christiane Taubira in the popular Primary

These reported remarks, in the form of renewed support for Anne Hidalgo, come the day after the victory in the popular Primary of Christiane Taubira, Minister of Justice under François Hollande. The socialist candidate, Anne Hidalgo, already in difficulty in the polls, came fifth in this ballot. This result weakens his candidacy all the more, and instills doubt in the PS.

To make matters worse, “between Anne Hidalgo and Olivier Faure, it’s not great love”, told franceinfo a source close to both the candidate and the party leadership. To hear it, “they see each other every week, but the relationship is not good”. The First Secretary criticizes his candidate for not doing enough. Anne Hidalgo accuses her of not defending her enough.

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