The PS, EELV and the PCF reject the proposal of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who wishes to form a single group of Nupes in the National Assembly

What will Nupes look like in the National Assembly? This is the question that arises after the results of the legislative elections which saw the union of the left obtain 133 seats of deputies in the hemicycle, much more than the approximately 60 left-wing deputies during the previous legislature. Jean-Luc Mélenchon spoke, Monday, June 20, the future of this unprecedented electoral alliance, which according to him should continue at the Palais-Bourbon: he proposes that the parties of the Nupes only form“only one opposition group in Parliament”.

>> Analyzes and reactions: follow our live the day after the second round of the legislative elections

The former deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône, who was speaking to journalists outside his party’s headquarters, called on the left-wing coalition “to remain a united alternative”adding that his proposal “will not prevent parties, as in the European Parliament, from having delegations”.

Reactions were quick to come from the electoral allies of La France insoumise: Europe Ecologie-Les Verts and the Communist Party assured AFP, in the wake of this declaration, that they rejected Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s proposal. . “No question of blending into a single group”reacted the spokesperson for EELV, Alain Coulombel.

“We are in favor of an intergroup but not a common group”for his part explained a close friend of Fabien Roussel among the Communists. “Four groups within the Assembly will be stronger than one. For the left, it will be more speaking time and more drawing rights on commissions of inquiry and parliamentary niches”defends for his part the communist André Chassaigne with franceinfo.

The Socialist Party, one of the four components of Nupes, also totally rejects the idea of ​​a single group in the National Assembly. For Guillaume Garot, socialist deputy of Mayenne contacted by franceinfo, “union is not fusion” and “everyone must find their group” at the Palais Bourbon. “The left is plural, it is represented in its diversity in the National Assembly. Wanting to remove this diversity is a mistake, and I oppose it”abounded on Twitter Valérie Rabault, re-elected in Tarn-et-Garonne.

For other socialists, it is the method of the leader of La France insoumise which challenges. “These are discussions that we must first have within ourselves, because the logic of a coalition is that we talk to each other. This is the first mode of operation that we must have”believes Jérôme Guedj, PS deputy who fell for Minister Amélie de Montchalin in the 6th district of Essonne.

The socialist, a former close friend of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, also affirms that “this proposal was not provided for in the initial agreement”as assured by another socialist parliamentarian contacted by franceinfo.

“This proposal is not what we agreed to.”


at franceinfo

Discussions are now scheduled at a meeting at the National Assembly on Tuesday afternoon. On the left, the soap opera of the union is not really ready to know its epilogue.

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