This cordon is supposed to “distinguish in the demonstration a procession bringing together all the republicans and progressives on the one hand and the RN and the far-right forces on the other hand”.
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There “great civic march” against anti-Semitism, scheduled for Sunday November 12 in Paris, has continued to provoke reactions from the different political parties. This time, it is the left-wing parties, the Ecologists, the Socialist Party and the French Communist Party who are speaking out in a joint press release released on Wednesday calling on all French people to “participate in the walk” while offering a “republican cord”.
The left-wing parties defend the establishment of”a republican cordon making it possible to distinguish in the demonstration a procession bringing together all the republicans and progressives on the one hand and the National Rally (RN) and the far-right forces on the other hand”, to which iThey declare that they do not recognize “no legitimacy to demonstrate against anti-Semitism”.
The presence of the extreme right in the procession far from being unanimous
The presence of the RN, confirmed by Marine Le Pen on Wednesday, is far from unanimous. La France insoumise affirmed in a press release refusing to “fight against anti-Semitism (…) alongside a party which finds its origins in the history of collaboration with Nazism”Government spokesperson Olivier Véran, for his part, considered on Wednesday that the RN “has no place in this demonstration”while recalling that “it is a public event in which everyone is free, in conscience, to participate”.
Launched Tuesday by the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet (Renaissance) and the President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher (Les Républicains), this call to parade during a “great civic march” “beyond differences and divergences” awakens the divisions within the political classes and above all, the normalization of the extreme right.