the PS claims 1,074 new memberships since June

New membership of the historic left-wing party has increased by 5% since the legislative elections.

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The Socialist Party claims 1,074 new members since June 2022, mainly young people, learned the political service of franceinfo from the political formation on August 30. A renewed visibility brought by his alliance within the Nupes, before the first round of the legislative elections.

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These 1,074 new members represent a 5% increase in the number of members in three months. Among the new members, there are some former socialists who had returned their card under François Hollande but especially young people, says the party. In particular students who find themselves neither in the vision of La France Insoumise, nor in that of Europe Ecologie Les Verts. We note for example the presence of members of the “Taubira collectives” who called for the union of the left. Within the PS, we speak of a “generational break”.

A historic baron denounces “a honeymoon” which will eventually end. The clarification will also take place by the end of the year in view of the congress scheduled for the end of December. Socialists hostile to the strategy of Olivier Faure begin to gather. New members will not have the necessary seniority to vote at the next convention.

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