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The National Assembly’s football team fails to unite elected officials. Indeed, the PS and LFI have indicated that they do not want to play a match alongside the RN.
In the National Assembly, the socialist and rebellious deputies indicated that they would not play alongside the elected RNs, Wednesday, September 28, for a charity football match. “We do not want to participate, ultimately, in an objective of political recovery by the National Rally to become commonplace”says Mathilde Panot, president of the group La France Insoumise at the National Assembly.
For communists, football is a moment of sharing during which the political label has no place. “I wonder, moreover, if the thousands of amateurs who play football on weekends are wondering what the person opposite voted”, asks Sébastien Jumel, Communist deputy of Seine-Maritime. The parliamentary team had never included RN deputies. “There is no space where they can admit that we are deputies (…) in all European countries, there are parliamentary teams”underlines Marine Le Pen, president of the National Assembly group in the National Assembly, who denounces this boycott.