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For toads and frogs, breeding season is fast approaching. However, the road represents a real danger for amphibians. In the municipality of Lamballe-Armor (Côtes-d’Armor), elected officials voted to permanently close the RD 28, in order to preserve biodiversity.
The RD 28 is one of the longest departmental roads in Brittany. It is now prohibited for cars on 800 meters of a straight line. The objective is to save the frogs, which cross the roads by the thousands, especially during the winter. The departmental road runs along a pond site, classified Natura 2000. Along the roadside, hundreds of animals ended up under the wheels of cars. “It is very difficult to know how many batrachians there are crossing this road. What we are certain of is that when there was no protection, they were run over”explains Hervé Guyot, president of Vivarmor Nature.
The final closure of the road is a blow for Pascale and Didier Michel, residents of La Poterie (Côtes-d’Armor). The chicken-breeding couple used it several times a day to go to work. “It’s a road that’s been around for 150 or 200 years, and it’s never bothered anyone”explains Didier, while Pascale regrets not being “[prise] into account”. They now have to make a detour on a narrow road in poor condition. Dozens of residents share their anger.