the prospect of the vaccine pass will not be enough to convince those who want to continue to “slip through the cracks”

The Prime Minister announced it Friday, December 17: the pass which allows to go to the restaurant or to travel by train or by plane can only be activated with a complete vaccination schedule and no longer with a simple negative test. A bill will be submitted to Parliament in early January.

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The health pass will become a vaccination pass. The government’s goal is clear: to push the unvaccinated to take the plunge, as caregivers and hospitals face the fifth wave of the Covid-19 epidemic. But this new tightening of the rules will perhaps not be enough: the unvaccinated people met Friday evening in Paris do not all consider to “take the plunge”.

>> DIRECT. Covid-19: restrictive measures for the end of the year

Among those that make you think, Arthur, crossed at the Saint-Lazare station. He who is not vaccinated will soon no longer be able to take TGV. Arthur is angry, but not really surprised: “I expected that. From the start they have not stopped putting in rules to encourage us to vaccinate ourselves. It is a shame to take away the possibilities of living. You might as well say ‘Either you get vaccinated or you stop living’!

With this bill, Arthur feels cornered and ultimately forced to get the shot, even if it wasn’t his choice. “If I can’t live anymore I’ll do it. This is what they want. I am going to be a slave to the thing, but I will no longer have a choice. I will have to do it. “

For others who are not vaccinated, however, the new rule will not have much effect. “It encourages a lot of people. But me that won’t encourage meLaura says for example. She and her friend Lison have been without going out for months, they are used to it. “If it’s a few less going to the restaurant or the cinema, well I’ll see my friends at home, explains Lison, that’s okay.Laura has also ‘adapted’ her hobbies.

On the other hand, for Julien, crossed on the terrace, putting an end to exits was never an option. Getting vaccinated either, so for months he has been cheating: he has a fake health pass and does not intend to try to get a real one. “We can settle it. We will always manage to pass through the cracks in the net. There will always be resistance fighters, no matter what. And we will continue to live“But Julien may not be able to slip through the cracks forever: the bill presented in January will also provide for tightening the conditions of control and sanctions against false passes.

Will the vaccination pass encourage those who are reluctant to vaccinate? Report in Paris by Boris Loumagne

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