the prosecution requests the release of the mayor accused of defamation by a congregation

In the municipal fortnightly “Meylan My City” of April 2021, the mayor was talking about “extremist, intolerant and violent messages carried by the St Pie X fraternity

The mayor was summoned (direct quote) this Tuesday before the Grenoble Criminal Court, by eleven people: the priests, and parishioners represented by Mr. Lacoste-Lareymondie of the parquet floor of Bordeaux. “The mayor has the right not to like the St Pius X fraternity, he has the right not to like the mass in Latin, but not the right to translate it into an editorial with these adjectives “, for the prosecution lawyer, Philippe Cardin intended to harm and, in his questioning by the president, he did not demonstrate that the terms of the editorial were based on a serious investigation.

The prosecutor requested the release of the mayor of Meylan

The prosecutor recalled the Press Act 1881 which defines that freedom of expression is the rule, and that the words of the mayor of Meylan did not exceed this freedom.

On the contrary Me Arnaud Adeliselawyer for Philippe Cardin, gave arguments on this subject.

And the latter’s two lawyers argue the adjectives “extremist, intolerant and violent”. In its winter university at the end of February, the fraternity invites Father Renaud St Marie who estimated about Samuel Paty than “his murder by decapitation is less serious than blasphemy”. Likewise in the debate on separatism lawit is written on the site of the congregation that “in the eyes of a good Catholic the law of God is superior to that of the republic.”

“Through the personality of Philippe Cardin, it is the Republic that we defend” concluded master Adelisehis lawyer.

The prosecution considers that by publishing this text the mayor was exercising his freedom of expression.

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