the prosecution opens an investigation into potential illegal files of Citizen Alliance

According to an investigation by the “Parisien”, this association at the origin of the recent debate on the burkini would have collected during its activities data including ethnic origin but also political and religious convictions of several inhabitants.

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The Grenoble prosecutor announced on Tuesday May 17 that he had opened an investigation on a report from the Isère prefecture on the possible existence of files held by the association Citizen Alliance, at the origin of the debate on the burkini in Grenoble swimming pools. .

The investigation concerns “facts of recording or storing sensitive personal data without the consent of the person concerned, an offense punishable by a sentence of five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 300,000 euros”specifies Eric Vaillant in a message broadcast on the Whatsapp group of the Grenoble prosecutor’s office.

Ethnic and religious data potentially collected

The Isère prefecture had announced shortly before that it had taken legal action to shed light after “information recently published in several media”whereby “the association called Alliance Citoyenne would have held and would still hold a certain number of files containing information of a nominative nature, the existence and detention of which fall under a legal regime protecting individual freedoms and under the control of the CNIL”.

According to an investigation by the Parisian (article reserved for subscribers) published on May 10, this militant association would have collected during its activities data including ethnic origin but also political and religious convictions.

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