the prosecution opens an investigation after the death of a man, who had just consulted a doctor in the emergency room

The 38-year-old Alsatian died at home three days after going to the emergency room in Mulhouse, France Bleu Alsace learned on Wednesday.

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The Mulhouse public prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation after the death of a 38-year-old man at his home, France Bleu Alsace reports on Wednesday, confirming information from the Latest News from Alsace. The victim had gone to the emergency room in Mulhouse for abdominal pain on the night of Friday to Saturday, and he was found dead in his apartment on Monday. According to his family on social media, he had also called the emergency room three times without being taken care of.

The hospital group in the Mulhouse and Sud-Alsace region confirms to France Bleu Alsace the dates of treatment and discharge of the patient. The group explains that a prescription has been written for the patient and a letter addressed to his attending physician.

The prosecutor of Mulhouse, Edwige Roux-Morizot, specifies that the investigation relates to the research of the causes of the death of the thirty-something. The autopsy shows that he died of a tear in part of the small intestine.

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