the prosecution opens a judicial investigation following the escape of a prisoner of Osny

The National Fugitive Search Brigade and the Versailles judicial police are in charge of the investigation.

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A judicial investigation for “escape in an organized gang and attempted murder” on a supervisor was opened on Friday, December 24, AFP learned on Saturday from the Pontoise prosecutor’s office. A decision that follows the flight on Tuesday of an inmate from Osny prison (Val-d’Oise) during his transfer to hospital. The fugitive, aged 28, had faked a suicide attempt on Tuesday evening and was transported to the Pontoise hospital center. The National Fugitive Search Brigade and the Versailles judicial police are in charge of the investigation.

Arrived at the emergency room, he was expected by at least one accomplice, armed with a long weapon, who quickly fired at an unarmed prison supervisor, hitting him in the back. The detainee, helped by his accomplice, fled in a vehicle, detailed the Pontoise prosecution. A third man who was on watch also fled with them, according to a police source. They are actively sought with the distribution of a sheet to services nationwide.

The supervisor, protected by his bulletproof vest, was briefly hospitalized for observations, also said the prosecution.

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