the proposed law on the subject “is not necessarily progress”, believes a lawyer


Video length: 4 min

Hair discrimination: the proposed law on the subject “is not necessarily progress”, believes a lawyer

Hair discrimination: the proposed law on the subject “is not necessarily progress”, believes a lawyer


While the National Assembly adopted, on Thursday March 28, a bill intended to penalize “hair discrimination”, Sophie Latraverse, a lawyer specializing in the fight against discrimination, delivers her analysis in 19/20 info.

Forcing an employee to make a hair change could soon be punishable by law. A bill intended to penalize “hair discrimination” was voted on Thursday March 28 by deputies, despite certain reservations. For Sophie Latraverse, a lawyer specializing in the fight against discrimination, this text “is not necessarily progress”. “When it comes to hairstyles, the whole subject is that of an employer’s ability to impose codes on its employees”she estimates in 19/20 info.

“Instead of learning to use the law, [la France] multiplies the criteria”

“Whether we put anything in the law, the subjectivity of one another in a closed place, we will never be able to surpass it by multiplying the number of criteria”says Sophie Latraverse, while France plans 26 in total. “Instead of learning to use the law, [la France] multiplies the criteria”she regrets

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