The Senate adopted on Tuesday several measures to regulate the furnished tourist market which will correct the current law which was not “egalitarian”, recognizes Guillaume Kasbarian.
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With this bill, “we are coming to restore equality” And “give tools to local elected officials”, said Wednesday May 22 on franceinfo Guillaume Kasbarian, Minister Delegate in charge of Housing. He greets “a very beautiful text” which allows “to restore some order”.
On Tuesday, senators adopted a bill to regulate the short-term rental market to give power back to mayors, tackle a criticized tax loophole and partially respond to the housing crisis.
The bill proposed by deputies Annaïg Le Meur (Renaissance) and Iñaki Echaniz (Socialist Party), already adopted by the National Assembly, received a unanimous welcome in the upper house, even in the ranks of the majority right.
Many elected officials, by the sea or in large cities, are indeed alarmed by the shortage of housing in their territories and are targeting the explosion in the number of Airbnbs, favored in particular by very advantageous taxation. It is precisely this “Airbnb tax niche” which was at the heart of the debates. “Today, the law is not egalitarian, because some municipalities can regulate and others, because they are smaller, cannot have these tools”while with this text the mayors will have “the hand”, maintains Guillaume Kasbarian. The text voted on in the Assembly proposed reducing the rate of reduction on income from rentals of furnished tourist accommodation to 30% – compared to 71% or 50% currently – with the exception of “very sparsely populated” rural areas. The Senate slightly attenuated this development: the rate of 30% was approved but a more favorable reduction of 50% was retained for “classified” furnished accommodation only, for “incentivize ranking”sometimes expensive, of these tourist accommodations.