the proposals of Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen for pensions


Article written by

A.Peyrout, J.Wittenberg, V.Lerouge, D.Basier, JB.Marteau, B.Gouronnec, S.Giaume, P.Wursthorn, O.Labalette, H.Gasparini, J.Raharison, T.Cluzeau, A. Da Silva – France 2

France Televisions

Tuesday April 12, 12 days before the second round of the presidential election, the candidates Emmanuel Macron (LREM) and Marine Le Pen (RN) clash on the question of pensions.

Tuesday April 12, Emmanuel Macron repeated that his pension reform could be relaxed. If he wants the retirement age to be pushed back to 65 in 2031, the LREM candidate for the presidential election says he is ready “to have review clauses earlier”. In his project, Emmanuel Macron thus proposes to postpone the retirement age by four months per year, from the year 2023. He now wants to stop it in 2028, at age 64, before a review clause.

For her part, Marine Le Pen denounces a weathervane candidate. In the streets of Bordeaux, passers-by are satisfied with this proposal. “64 is better anyway, we have time to enjoy the beautiful things in life for which we have worked”, observes a woman. For others, this decision is quick. “It’s not negotiated on an election, like that, in a hurry, to try to cast a little wider net”denounces a man.

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