the program of the presidential majority “is a clafoutis of empty sentences”, according to Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Together’s program for the legislative elections “is a clafoutis of hollow phrases, like ‘we have to consider the teachers better, we have to think about the hospital’, tackled Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) on Friday June 3 on franceinfo. Together is the confederation which brings together La République en Marche (LREM), the Democratic Movement (Modem) and even Horizons, the party of former Prime Minister Édouard Philippe.

In this program there is also “extremely harsh measures for the people such as retirement at 65, forced labor with the RSA, etc.”, added the former candidate of La France insoumise (LFI) for the presidential election. He also returned to the criticisms of the presidential majority against the Nupes program. “Yes, it’s true, the program that I propose with my friends decides on the use of 250 billion more, but the billions that are injected into wages when you give them to people who only have their wages for to live, they spend it”he pointed.

“All our expenses, we have entered them in the model of the Banque de France, not of our friends.”

Jean-Luc Melenchon

at franceinfo

According to him, “it shows that at the exit, you have a return of 267 billion in contributions, taxes and duties that go into the fund”. Emmanuel Macron “wrote and promised again that he will reduce the public deficit to 3% by 2027, but to bring it back to 3% he must therefore reduce it from 6.5% to 3%” . How much does it cost ? 80 billion“, he asserted.

“Where, Mr. Macron, do you expect to find 80 billion to be removed from the state budget between now and 2027, how many classes are you continuing to close? How many hospital beds are you closing?” he throws. For him, “at some point, they have to be serious [la majorité présidentielle] and that they too say: ‘Here, ladies and gentlemen, we have a very harsh regime to apply to you'”

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