the program of the “new Popular Front” will be unveiled Friday at 12 p.m. at the Maison de la Chimie, in Paris

After the announcement of an agreement between the left-wing parties within a “new Popular Front”, what about the program resulting from this alliance between the Socialist Party, the PCF, The Ecologists-EELV and Rebellious France ? “We have managed to bring together in a government program measures, some of which are eagerly awaited by the French, in favor of purchasing power, such as increasing wages,” declared on the set of BFM TV the national secretary of the PCF, Fabien Roussel. “We will index salaries to inflation, all pensions to inflation,” he added, when asked about the content of this program which will be unveiled Friday at 12 p.m. at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris. He mentioned a “pact for purchasing power” and assured that the program provides “the repeal of Parcoursup” And “the establishment of a student income”. This live is now over.

François Hollande welcomes the agreement reached on the left. THE “duty” from the left “it’s about uniting” For “ward off the extreme right”, declared the former President of the Republic on TF1. Asked about the agreement announced a few minutes earlier by representatives of the left-wing parties, the socialist declared that if he “don’t [connait] not the details, the main thing is that the union was able to take place.I am in favor of this agreement”, he concluded.

The LR political office postponed “for organizational reasons”. The Republicans postponed until Friday, “for organizational reasons”, the new political office which was to validate the exclusion of President Eric Ciotti after his electoral alliance with the RN for the legislative elections. The party announced this postponement at the end of the day. During a first meeting on Wednesday, party executives voted to exclude Eric Ciotti, but the latter contests the validity of the procedure and has taken the matter to court, which must examine his appeal on Friday morning.

Attal “favorable” to a debate with Bardella and Mélenchon. The Prime Minister, for his first campaign trip to Boulogne-sur-Mer (Pas-de-Calais), considered a televised confrontation with “those who have been more or less identified as potentially Prime Minister at the end of these elections”citing the declared RN candidate in Matignon, Jordan Bardella, but also the rebellious Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who does not rule out applying to lead a hypothetical left-wing unity government. Claiming to have received a proposal from TF1 and France 2, the latter declined Thursday afternoon on “has not yet nominated its prime minister candidate”. “It is therefore up to the leaders of the major parties in our coalition to go to this type of debate”writes Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

François-Xavier Bellamy would “of course” vote for the RN in the event of a duel with the left. In this second round scenario, “I block La France insoumise and this alliance which threatens France”, assured the one who was appointed interim vice-president of the Republicans yesterday, after the exclusion of Eric Ciotti. A new political office is convened at the end of the day “to validate” this sanction, which the ex-president of the party is contesting in court. A civil judge will examine this request tomorrow, at 11 a.m., franceinfo learned from a judicial source.

Which candidate for the post of Prime Minister on the left? On France 2, Jean-Luc Mélenchon declared “feel capable” to be Prime Minister in the event of victory for the left, but ensures not to wish “to impose oneself”. I’m not disqualifying him, I’m just saying that this choice will be a collective choice.”reacted Wednesday the First Secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, on RMC.We need a profile that is not divisive, we need a profile capable of bringing people together.”, judges for her part the outgoing LFI deputy, Clémentine Autain. In the morning, his colleague from LFI, François Ruffin, in turn said he felt “able” to take on this function.

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