The profile of a man imprisoned last week worries investigators


France 3

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Two 23-year-old men, suspected of planning a knife attack during the Christmas holidays, were arrested and jailed earlier this month. One of them presents a disturbing profile, reports journalist Éric Pelletier, live from the Palais de Justice in Paris on Thursday, December 9.

Of particular concern is the profile of one of the two men suspected of planning a knife attack during the Christmas holidays. “This young man was arrested in Yvelines, he was presented to an anti-terrorist examining magistrate and then imprisoned on Friday [3 décembre]”, first recalls Éric Pelletier, live from the Palais de Justice in Paris. If his profile worries the investigators, it is because “he was involved in a fairly similar case in 2016”, a planned attack detected on Telegram messaging when he was a minor, then released from prison in July 2019.

“On his release from prison, he was followed by the anti-terrorism services, and it was when he reconnected with a 23-year-old man, when they met, that these same services decided to act”, adds the journalist. The case is, for the intelligence services, “quite emblematic of the current threat weighing on France”. According to the Ministry of Justice, 93 people convicted of terrorism are due out of prison this year, after serving their sentence.

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