Production of Renault electric cars at the Flins plant will be interrupted for three weeks in June and two days in July.
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The production line stopped. Production of Zoé cars at the Renault plant in Flins (Yvelines) will be interrupted for three weeks in June and two days in July, due to difficulties in the supply of electronic components and semiconductors, said on Monday June 5 Renault and unions. In a leaflet, FO had cited the weeks of Monday June 5, June 12 and June 26, as well as July 3 and 4.
“The 355 people who work on the ‘Zoé flow’ are affected by unemployment in APLD (long-term partial activity) due to the lack of documents”lamented Fabien Gloagen, Force Ouvrière (FO)-Renault Group union representative. “Due to a lack of electronic components, the bodywork flow (assembly, painting, sheet metal) and the associated support functions will not work except personnel designated by the hierarchy”also wrote the CFDT Renault Flins union on Facebook on Friday.
“A general context of crisis in electronic components”
“These communications from the unions follow a CSE last week in which we announced a few days off work at the Flins site”, confirmed Renault. The manufacturer, on the other hand, was unable to specify the number of employees concerned. The suspension of production comes, according to Renault, in a “general context of crisis of electronic components and semiconductors”the majority of which are produced in Asia.
The employees had already been placed this year on unemployment in APLD, a measure allowing the company to send its employees home in the event of a drop in activity, while continuing to pay them. The production sector, focused solely on the Renault Zoé, currently employs 355 employees and called on 240 temporary workers until June, according to FO.