The producers of Aline winners of the Toscan du Plantier prize

(Paris) The Daniel Toscan du Plantier prize, rewarding the producer of the year, was awarded to the Rectangle Productions company, which signed Alinethe film by Valérie Lemercier dedicated to Celine Dion, announced the Academy of Cinema Arts and Techniques on Tuesday evening.

Posted at 9:58 a.m.

This biopic is in the running for the César for best film, among ten nominations.

A tribute to the film producer who died in 2003, the Daniel Toscan du Plantier prize pays tribute each year to “the audacity, eclecticism and aesthetics in production”, on the initiative of the academy which organizes the Césars which will be awarded February 25.

Directed by Édouard Weil and Alice Girard, the company Rectangle has so far produced around fifty fiction feature films covering a wide range of genres.

In 2021, they produced Audrey Diwan’s second feature, The eventawarded the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival.

Rectangles Productions also has to its credit blood oranges by Jean-Christophe Meurisse and Vortex by Gaspar Noé, presented at the last Cannes Film Festival.

The members of the Académie des Césars have until February 25 at 4 p.m. to nominate the 2022 winners in some twenty categories. The ceremony will take place at the Olympia under the chairmanship of director Danièle Thompson, with Antoine de Caunes as master of ceremonies.

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