Souleyman was believed to have stood watch while two other protesters set fire to a trash can during a demonstration on Friday evening. “The offense is not sufficiently characterized,” said the prosecution.
“The procedure has been closed without further action” for Souleyman, the demonstrator who had been assaulted and assaulted by Brav-M police officers at the end of March in Paris and who had been arrested again in Paris, learned franceinfo on Sunday April 16 from the Paris prosecutor’s office. As far as he is concerned, “the offense was not sufficiently characterized”adds the floor.
The 23-year-old student was arrested and placed in police custody with two other people on the evening of Friday April 14 near Place de la Concorde in Paris, on the sidelines of a demonstration against pension reform. He was suspected of keeping watch while the other two people set fire to a trash can, according to a police source. “Souleyman is very distant and leaves when he sees that the facts are committedassured franceinfo Souleyman’s lawyer, master Arié Alimi, who had access to the video of the scene. “We see him at the corner of a street on the video, and we see that he leaves”insisted Arie Alimi.
Re “the other two implicated, one is referred for immediate appearance for damage by fire, the other will be presented to the prosecutor’s delegate for an alternative to prosecution for participation in a group to commit damage “says the prosecution.
A violent arrest by the BRAV-M at the end of March
Souleyman had already been arrested Monday, March 20, in the evening, rue des Minimes in Paris, on the sidelines of a rally against the pension reform, with six other people. An arrest which had been recorded and which franceinfo had obtained at the time of the facts. In the audio document of about twenty minutes, we hear several police officers from the Brav-M (brigade for the repression of violent motorized action) making insulting, humiliating, degrading and aggressive remarks towards seven people arrested: “I can tell you that we broke elbows and faces and you, I would have broken your legs”or : “Do you shut up or do you want one? Do you want one to set your jaw straight?” These remarks led to the opening of an investigation by the Paris prosecutor’s office. The Paris police prefect also seized the IGPN, the police force on this case.
A few days after the revelation of his remarks which had aroused strong reactions in the political class, Souleyman had also told franceinfo that he had been the victim of a sexual assault during this arrest. “At the time of palpation [le policier] searched me and then he grabbed me by the sex, I can say it like that”, he denounced. And in the process, “he said to me: ‘You don’t even have balls’, very sexist remarks”had underlined the young man.