“The problem…”: Karine Le Marchand, single, confides in her difficulties in finding love

For twelve years now, Karine Le Marchand has been trying to change the lives of farmers thanks to Love is in the meadow. An exercise that fascinates the host who succeeded Alessandra Sublet in 2010, for the fifth season, and who is an incorrigible romantic. On the other hand, when it comes to her own person, Karine Le Marchand is more of a solitary type. It must be said that the best friend of Stéphane Plaza has experienced several disappointments in love with exes that she still likes to sting from time to time. What now make it extra-cautious. Because for Karine, one thing is certain: it is better to be alone than in bad company.

I naturally tend to run away from what hurts me. If I had only one piece of advice to give to the women who read us, it would probably be this: you have to know how to leave when you’re not happy, especially in love.r“, she confided to Current wife during an interview to be published this Monday, September 5, 2022. “I had the courage to leave at times when I knew I was going to dry out if I stayed. It’s hard to be alone with children, to have less money, to experience a form of instability, because we were taught that we absolutely needed a man by our side to be ‘happy’. But knowing how to free yourself saves so many other inconveniences“.

Thus, Karine Le Marchand has no problem with being single. She nevertheless remains positive about the idea of ​​one day meeting the man of her life, preferably a person who would evolve “apart from [son] workplace“. But the host knows it, it’s not going to be easy. “The problem with getting famous is that you attract the wrong people and scare the right ones. Some think that by rubbing shoulders with you, they will become known too. It’s not what I expect. And then there are those who are well, accomplished, happy, balanced and who don’t at all want to be photographed in Here, to face a tax audit or to have their lives scrutinized by the press. Fame doesn’t just have perks“, she pointed out for our colleagues.

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