“The problem is that we left it to the market to take care of old age,” says Fabien Roussel

“The problem is that we left it to the market to take care of old age. Some choose to make money on the backs of our elders”denounced the communist candidate Fabien Roussel, guest of “Presidential Mornings” Wednesday January 226 on franceinfo, while the government called “as soon as possible” the general manager of the group of retirement homes Orpea France to shed light on the “serious facts” mentioned in the book-investigation The Gravediggers.

>> “Les Fossoyeurs”: three questions about the book that shakes Orpea, French giant of private nursing homes

This book, to be published on Wednesday by Fayard editions, reports on “malfunctions” generalized within the group’s French Ehpad (accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people), which is displayed as “a world leader” of the dependency sector. He is accused of having set up “a system that mistreats our elders”.

It is “absolutely outrageous”, believes Fabien Roussel. “There should be no profitability targets for old age”he hammered. “When we are confronted with slum landlords in housing, we quickly expropriate”, he pointed out. “Today, it is such measures that I would prefer to implement.”

“If there is proven abuse, I expropriate, I put the establishment, even the group, under guardianship to protect the elderly.”

Fabien Roussel, PCF presidential candidate

at franceinfo

He also wishes “that any form of management of an Ehpad be non-profit” and plead for “a major public service for old age that supports municipalities and communities to enable them to invest in buildings, including premises. There must no longer be an establishment whose objective is to make money, to make butter on the backs of our parents and grandparents.”

>> Nationalizations, end of the vaccination pass, referendum on the EU… What to remember from the interview with Fabien Roussel on franceinfo

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