“The problem is that we are still in the emergency response”, regrets Sandra Regol, deputy national secretary of EELV

“The problem is that we are always in an emergency, an emergency response to fight against global warming, explained this Monday on franceinfo Sandra Regol, deputy national secretary of EELV and deputy for the first constituency of Bas-Rhin, while the high temperatures continue and the drought increases in France. In total, 66 departments are in a state of crisis and a hundred municipalities are deprived of drinking water.

Emergency measures mean changing our way of producing, our model of electricity production, insulating buildings and doing what our German and Spanish neighbors are doing, that is to say offering free or almost free means of transport for not be dependent on the car.

Sandra Regol, deputy national secretary of EELV


For Sandra Regol, “these are quick steps that allow everyone to be involved in this big change and to put pressure on the government to say that we want the right to a future. This is what young people have been doing for several years by beating the pavement.”

The government is mobilizing to deal with this situation. “It’s always good when people finally end up saying that we have to act, but the problem is that we don’t discover these droughts, these series of heat waves. We’ve been explaining that it will become very strong”explained Sandra Regol. “Today, we pay for it in our health, our daily lives, our jobs and first and foremost in agriculture.” The MP regretted that the measures were “always taken in a hurry. Why do we have to wait for the 3rd wave of heat wave for the government to react? It’s not hard to anticipate.”

Christophe Béchu, the Minister of Ecology, explained that we would have to get used to living with this heat. “His job is to allow us not to have to go through all that, to find solutions together. The only thing he offers is to say: get used to it.” Sandra Regol recalled that the Greens offer solutions “for 40 years but we don’t listen to them enough.”

Sandra Regol believed that eating less meat would help limit global warming. “Eating less meat but eating it better means eating meat that is produced here by farmers who support our countryside. Today, most of the meat we eat comes from the other end of the world and does not produce jobs here.”

To fight against the drought in France, “there are already drastic solutions that have been put in place”said Sandra Regol. “The concern is that, as always, it is the mayors, the local authorities who put in place a protective shield for their populations when the government is content to say: get used to it. There is a conception of our responsibility collective which is much stronger in the population than in our leaders.”

The Green MP wonders: “Why do we continue to water the golf courses? Do they keep us healthy, feed us? No. It’s an economy but there are others. We are in a question access to the water we need to survive.”

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