“The problem is dilettantism”, reacts Yannick Jadot after Jean-Michel Blanquer’s stay in Ibiza

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07:53 : “There is really a gap here between what Ibiza represents and what colleagues were experiencing on a daily basis on the eve of the start of the new school year”, reacts on franceinfo the co-secretary general and spokesperson of the SNUipp-FSU, Guislaine David, after the information that Jean-Michel Blanquer was in Ibiza when he gave an interview to the Parisian to announce the new health protocol in schools. It will inevitably widen even more the gap that already existed between the minister and his staff.

07:46 : “He has the right to vacation, he also has the right to work to ensure that this return to school is not an absolute mess.”

Guest of “4 Truths” this morning on France 2, the MEP and environmental candidate for the presidential election, Yannick Jadot, returns to the revelations of Mediapart concerning the stay of Jean-Michel Blanquer in Ibiza, until the day before back to school. The problem is not Ibiza, the problem is dilettantism”, insists the candidate.

07:22 : On the side of the regional press, The voice of the North headline this morning on people with long Covid, while The Parisian comes back to the changes linked to the entry into force of the vaccination pass. The Republic of the Pyrenees devotes its front page to Pfizer’s anti-Covid treatment, produced in Mourenx (Pyrénées-Atlantiques).

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The Republic of the Pyrenees 18 January 2022

06:28 : “It’s the feeling of the return of bling bling at a time when everyone is asked to tighten their belts”, reacts on franceinfo the first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, after the revelations of Mediapart on the stay of Jean-Michel Blanquer in Ibiza. The Minister of National Education was on site when he announced the new health protocol in schools, on the eve of the start of the school year.

The first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, was the guest of the "8:30 a.m. france info" November 25, 2021. (FRANCEINFO / RADIOFRANCE)


07:33 : 6 hours, here are the titles:

Unions and federations of parents, with high school organizations, launched a new call for strike Thursday in schools, colleges and high schools. They denounce the “chaos caused by the management of the health crisis” and call for massive investments in education.

Several opposition politicians, including Yannick Jadot, are calling on Jean-Michel Blanquer to resign after Mediapart’s revelations about his vacation: he returned from Ibiza on January 2, the day before the start of the school year, his cabinet acknowledged to franceinfo.

The European Parliament elects its new President today, with the Maltese conservative Roberta Metsola as the favorite candidate. MEP since 2013 and Vice-President of Parliament since 2020, she is particularly known for her opposition to the right to abortion.

The social and medico-social employees are called to strike today, in order to denounce a “tiebreaker”. These psychologists, specialized educators or social workers are demanding the same salary increases as those granted to their caregiver colleagues.

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