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In Ukraine, after the annexation referendums in the occupied territories, the authorities prorussians claimed Tuesday, September 27 the victory of the “yes”. The Western powers denounce a “masquerade”.
87% from “yes” to Kherson, 93% at Zaporizhia and even more 99% at Donetsk. In Ukraine, as expected, the referendums on annexation by Russia organized in the occupied territories turned into a plebiscite. From the end of the counting, Tuesday, September 27, the Russian vice-president, Dmitri Medvedevreacted on Twitter: “The referendums are over. The result is clear. Welcome home, to Russia!”
Earlier today, Dmitri Medvedev had again waved the nuclear threat to defend itself in the event of aggression on territories that Russia could consider as its own. Russian President Vladimir Putin may soon formalize the annexation. However, the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky does not intend to yield an inch of ground. He posted a video message after what he denounces as a “simulacrum of referendum”. “We will act to defend our people”he assured.