the pro-European coalition wins the legislative elections against the conservative right


Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – T. Maillet, S. Wohlfahrt

France Televisions

After eight years of rule, the conservative right was defeated in Poland during the legislative elections on Sunday October 15. The pro-European coalition which opposed it triumphed.

In Poland, the results of the legislative elections are still only provisional but the crowd exults in front of Donald Tusk, Sunday October 15. “Poland has won, democracy has won”, welcomes the leader of the pro-European opposition coalition. The conservative right has been “driven from power”, in the words of Donald Tusk. His electoral victory in fact marks the end of the reign of the Law and Justice party, which had notably called into question public freedoms, the right to abortion and the independence of the media during its eight years in power.

“Finally Poland will get closer to Europe”

“I am very happy, and I believe that finally, Poland will get closer to Europe, that we will be respected there, that good times will return and that we will put an end to the Middle Ages”, confides a resident of Warsaw. Another is delighted to be able “finally live in a country like any other, for real”. Poland had become the bane of the European Union, blocking several key texts, notably on immigration and Ukrainian cereals.

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